Do you feel overwhelmed by your life on-the-go?
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Don't you just wish fast food was healthy to make things easier?
If you are zipping back and forth between work, kids' practices, lessons and games like I am, you are strapped for time. Am I right? This is totally my life, but I wouldn't change it for the world!
As much as I like to eat meals at home, the fact is that some days it's just not going to happen. So to make my life a little simpler, I created Healthier Options On-the-Go.
This handy guide provides you with the best choices (in my opinion) to make at 20 of your favorite fast food chains and still live a healthy life.
No guilt, just food that fits
your goals and life.
About Me...
Hi, thanks for stopping by!
My name is Natalie Upp. (Yes, just like the word "up" with an "extra p".)
As crazy as it is, I DO love my busy life! I’m a 40-something hard-working mom, wife, entrepreneur, and volunteer soccer team manager.
I am also a fitness and nutrition coach for busy women who struggle to fit into their clothes, lack the confidence they once felt about their bodies, and that lack time to fit even one more thing in their day.
I help them ditch the diets, lose weight, maintain a toned look, and get back into their favorite clothes again using simple methods implementing the "Healthy Five": MINDSET
I would love to help you reach your goals, whether that is just feeling healthy overall, losing weight, toning up, increasing your energy, feeling like the "old you", or rocking your skinny jeans.
Let's get fired Upp!
