Jan 30, 2021HOW TO STAY MOTIVATED TO LOSE WEIGHT OVER 40It’s very motivating when you step on a scale that keeps decreasing. But, what happens on the days when it increases or you're having a...
Oct 19, 2020Live Life to the FullestG.A.P. - Gratitude. Accountability. Perspective. — Gary Vee During my motivational YouTube sesh on my morning drive, I was listening to...
Aug 23, 2016Building Up Your SuperpowersYou’ve laid out your workout clothes, filled your water bottle, prepped your snacks, packed your lunch, and charged your activity...
Aug 9, 2016How Gritty are You?Anyone else ready for their kids to head back to school? I know my family and I are ready to be back on a routine! Based on the responses...
Aug 2, 2016Stop the Summer Sabotage.In the month of July, all I did was eat and drink. Here’s a rundown of my month: I ate and drank for 5 straight days while vacationing...