In the month of July, all I did was eat and drink. Here’s a rundown of my month:
I ate and drank for 5 straight days while vacationing in Vegas.
My sister-in-law and baby niece were visiting in KC and we ate out almost every lunch and dinner.
I celebrated my mom’s 65th birthday with a surprise party and the most amazing lemon bundt cake.
I indulged on two delicious meals at Rye and Q39 for my husband’s birthday (finishing Q39 off with cheesecake).
I celebrated my other niece’s birthday with pizza and cookie cake.
I cheered on the US Women’s National Soccer Team with some beers at Sporting Park and the next night enjoyed a full fledge “stadium meal” at Royals stadium.
I finished July up with one more dual birthday party for my other niece and nephew (and yes, that also included pizza and cake).
Are you going through something similar?
The fact is, that in spite of all the fun and relaxation summer brings, it can be sneaky and botch our fitness and health.
You just need to ask yourself -- Are you willing to continue to undo that progress you’ve worked so hard to accomplish or is it time to reel it in? I’d say for me, about 90% of every meal outside of all my craziness listed above I did reel it in and ate on plan. In doing so, I escaped the scale going up. Phew!
Remember that bad habits creep in slowly. Perhaps you are skipping your workouts a couple days each week, because ‘You have so much to do.’ Maybe you have been indulging in unhealthy food or drinks a little more frequently when you are with friends. Or, like me, you might have family visiting and you end up going out to eat for more meals than normal. It happens one small choice at a time. But those choices add up fast.
If you realize that you have been slipping up, it’s not too late to turn around and get back on track. Really! There is still plenty of summer left for you to regain whatever ground you might have lost and get back to awesome.
Here are a few common reasons that people gain weight in the summer and how to remedy them.
1. No Sleep Till Brooklyn. Summer brings more daylight and longer days. This extra sunshine can cause our body clocks to change which causes us to sleep less. But if we don’t get enough sleep, our bodies will respond by packing on a few extra pounds! The solution? Make a conscious effort to get at least seven hours of sleep each night.
2. The Heat is On! When it’s hot and humid, we tend to move around less. Our energy is lower and besides, who wants to sweat even more, right? But the less you move, the slower your metabolism is and the fewer calories you will burn. Be intentional about keeping up with your exercise. Find indoor exercise alternatives like a class or following a video or get an early morning walk in before it gets too hot. Try to move for at least 30 minutes each day.
3. On the Road Again. Summer travel doesn’t have to mean healthy eating goes out the window. Before your summer trips, brainstorm some ways to reduce the amount of fast food that you will consume while you are away. Consider packing a cooler with hummus, nuts, lean beef/turkey sticks, hard boiled eggs, protein powder or bars, fresh fruit and raw veggies.
4. Last Friday Night! Ahhh…barbecues, parties, family reunions, etc. The fun occasions with all the “good stuff”. To get back on track, pass on the hotdogs, potato salad, oily salad dressings and rich cakes. Instead, look for grilled or fresh vegetables, fresh fruit and lean cuts of meat eaten without the bun.
So here’s your chance… The kids will be back in school in just a few more weeks. Don’t let the summer sabotage derail your goals. Fight back and finish this summer strong! Your future self will thank you!
Your biggest cheerleader,
P.S. Did you pick up on my song titles above? Just seeing if you were paying attention. Lol! <3