My purpose in my business is to inspire YOU to help you reach your goals. I help women just like you to fit into your clothes better, increase your confidence, increase your energy, find a healthy balance in a stressful and busy life, learn how to eat healthy and still enjoy the foods you love, learn how to implement exercise with limited time, and really just feel better about yourself. And, I know some days addressing these are easy and somedays not so much.
One of the biggest struggles I hear YOU saying, is it’s hard to simply just get started. You are overwhelmed, it’s too hard and you don’t know how to start. I get it! Truly I do. You might look at me and think, how could I possibly understand? You've never had a problem with your weight per say. Well, it’s true that I have a good metabolism, but don’t let someone’s exterior fool you. Not so long ago, even though the scale was not out of control, I was NOT healthy and did not have a good balance in my life.
To successfully lose the weight and keep it off, there is a critical key factor that most people do not have.
Changing your eating habits and prioritizing exercise is part of the equation, but it is not the complete answer. Yes, the first 24 hours are going to be the hardest, but your body didn’t get to this point in 24 hours, did it? So, let’s not kid ourselves to think that we can change decades of poor habits overnight. It’s just not going to happen. The changes WILL, however, come over time.
So, then what the heck is the key factor if it’s not changing eating habits or going full extreme at the gym? Well, keep reading, I will get to it in just a moment, but first, I want to go over a few things that will catapult your results in the first 24 hours.
1. Don’t wait for Monday, or the beginning of the month. Tomorrow is a new day, so let’s start tomorrow. Make YOU a priority. When did we all become the low man on the totem pole?? I know, I know-- you have a work party, or a weekend of soccer games or a vacation coming up… blah, blah, blah… Here’s a little tough love and a harsh reality – there is NEVER a good time to start. Something will ALWAYS come up, so again I say, let’s start tomorrow. Tomorrow is a great day to start.
2. Make YOU a priority. When did we all become the low man on the totem pole?? I know, I know-- you have a work party, or a weekend of soccer games or a vacation coming up… blah, blah, blah… Here’s a little tough love and a harsh reality – there is NEVER a good time to start. Something will ALWAYS come up, so again I say, let’s start tomorrow. Tomorrow is a great day to start.
3. Get on the scale. Yes, I do talk about not being a slave to the scale, but you have to start somewhere. Use this as a base. Then, after you have a number, throw it back in the closet until next week.
4. Take measurements. Again, this is for a benchmark of progress. Trust me, as challenging as this may be, when you hit your goal, you will kick yourself that you didn’t have a starting point of reference. For women, measure at least your waist, hips and thighs.
5. Take a picture. Nobody likes this one, but again, it’s a point of reference. Quick selfie, get it done and lock it away. This is not meant to beat yourself up. This is for when you DO hit your goal, and I know you will, that you will have that before picture and we will OOOh and Aaahh about.
6. Get a fitness tracker. My clients all get a personalized profile and calendar in my Fired Upp Fitness app to be accountable for their workouts and healthy habits, but you can also use tools like My Fitness Pal to keep track of your nutrition and exercise.
7. Sign up for my Mindful Meal Planning Webinar on August 24th. Even if you can’t make it live, sign up for helpful resources and a recording of the webinar to learn how to go from feeling overwhelmed with meals to flexible healthy eating that fits into a busy life.
8. Get out your calendar. Block out time for exercise, meal planning/meal prep, grocery shopping, mindset, etc. Make this a non-negotiable. Meaning, unless someone is bleeding or the house is on fire, this appointment will NOT get moved.
9. Clean out the fridge. Make room for all the delicious and healthy foods you will be bringing into the house when you get back from the grocery store. Don’t get too overwhelmed with this step. Visually, if you have removed the unhealthy or toxic foods, going to the grocery store will be a more exhilarating experience.
I know this seems like a lot, but when you start to do these 9 tricks, it won’t take so long and you will shortly see how valuable they are once you completed the items.
Now, I haven’t forgotten, I promised you my key factor that is crucial in this process. So, here it is. More importantly than even your muscles, is to keep your MIND strong. Don’t let it waver. And, don’t listen to it when it starts to lie to you. So, here’s what I mean….
>>Keep your mind strong. Look to the people who are succeeding in the areas you want to succeed. So, for example some of my favorite people to read or listen to on YouTube for positive mindset and motivation are: Tony Robbins, Oprah, Jim Rohn, Carol Dweck, Gabrielle Bernstein and Law of Attraction videos. These have significantly helped me keep my mind strong. I listen to one each morning in the car on the way to a client’s home.
>>Don’t let your mind waver. Remove yourself from the negatives in your life. This may be watching violent or intense TV shows, this may be staying away from the break room at work or this may be keeping your distance from those that are trying to drag you through the drive-through or giving you a hard time for choosing a healthy meal.
>>Don’t listen; it’s a lie. Your mind will play tricks on you. You will try and convince yourself that you are hungry, when you are actually just thirsty or bored. Or maybe you’ll tell yourself that “this time” isn’t going to be any different, so why bother. Whatever your downfall, know that you have other options. This is only temporary, and YOU have the power to make a better choice or have a better thought. This one choice or thought will lead to another AND another, but it is a conscious decision to make the first move.
Let’s Get Fired UPP,
P.S. Don’t forget if you haven’t ever attended my Mindful Meal Planning Webinar, sign up now for this free event on Thursday, August 24th. No worries if that is a busy day for you! Sign up for the helpful resources and a recording of the webinar to learn how to go from eating haphazardly to healthy with simple to implement tips.